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Vitamin and Nutrient Infusions now available at Ageless NAD


Ageless NAD are excited to offer medical-grade bespoke injectable nutrient infusions, so you can feel and look great from the inside out!

Have you ever felt...

We've found...

Generally a healthy body and a varied diet with plenty of seasonally fresh fruit and vegetables will provide all the vitamins and nutrients we need. In today’s busy world many environmental factors deplete our supply; we consume poor quality food often left for months in cold storage and lacking nutrient density. Smoking, alcohol, environmental toxins, chronic stress, unhealthy work and home environments all drain our reserves.

Research tells us...

IV vitamin and nutrient infusions go straight into your circulation and bypass any problems with digestion. They are highly ‘bio-available’ and absorbed rapidly by our cells.

So what do we do here at Ageless NAD?

Following personalised consultation and prescription, all IV infusions are administered by medical professionals educated by the Australasian Institute of Medical Nutrition. Our team have well over 50 years experience in health including General practice and Aesthetic medicine, emergency medicine, metabolic and liver health, preventative and integrative medicine and nutrition. We have a passion for making you not only look but feel your best.

The strictest clinical standards of asepsis are practised and all our products are Australian made and of the highest clinical standards.

Lets take a look at what we prescribe and why.

Vitamin C is known to help the body heal itself, however orally we can only absorb very little, the intestinal tract limits how much Vitamin C we can absorb and it can work as a laxative potentially causing diarrhoea if we try to take large doses by mouth. Intravenously we can safely administer large doses of Vitamin C bypassing the digestive tract and increasing serum levels with no gastrointestinal distress. This can be a valuable therapy in treating infections, inflammatory conditions and even for protection against colds and flu this winter!

Vitamin C Benefits:

Glutathione is made up of 3 amino acids: glycine, glutamine and cysteine. It is significantly more powerful than lipoid acid or vitamin C levels of Glutathione have been shown to diminish substantially with age as well as with chronic illness and failing heath.
Maintaining adequate glutathione levels is not only crucial for wellness but also for getting well from chronic disease. Ageless NAD provides Intravenous glutathione as it is generally accepted to be the best delivery modality and guarantee absorption.

What conditions can be helped by intravenous glutathione?
Any condition associated with excessive oxidative stress, inflammation and free radical damage. Mitochondrial (cellular energy production) dysfunction is especially aided by glutathione. The best studied uses are for Parkinson’s disease, which Ageless NAD provides the Parkinson’s BR+ NAD TM protocol, which has been developed over 20 years of research and patient treatments. Other potential uses include conditions such as MS, progressive neuropathy, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and hypertension.

Glutathione is frequently given (piggy backed) after other I.V therapies. Administration is usually 1-3 times per week for 4-8 weeks.

Ageless NAD, can as part of an overall heath check take bloods and have them discussed with our doctor. A plan can be recommended and prescribed individually. If you are interested in vitamin infusions and would like to discuss what is most suitable for you please contact us to make an appointment.

Book your appointment on 02 9389 0245 or email

Basic Vitamin Infusion - Modified Myers cocktail.

Our most commonly administered vitamin cocktail is our Basic Vitamin Infusion (BVI). This was inspired by the "Myers" cocktail, a famous American Doctor whom pioneered the work of vitamin infusions in relation to preventative health and a whole range of clinical conditions. Ageless NAD’s BVI consists of a blend of vitamins and minerals as a tailored treatment for each client. The basic version containing Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and can be altered to include Glutathione & Zinc where required.

The BVI cocktail has been found to be helpful in treating migraines, fatigue, acute muscle spasm, colds and flu, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease (with NAD+) and a number of other disorders.

People feeling stressed and fatigued may benefit tremendously from our BVI infusion - it is a great way to keep your system strong through the winter months and the cold and flu season. Patients reporting they feel completely rejuvenated after a single treatment, the results can last from several days to several weeks.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B12




Ageless NAD, can as part of an overall health check take blood and have them discussed with our doctor. A plan can be recommended and prescribed individually. We can offer a combination of NAD+ Vitamin C, Glutathione and vitamins if required after a confidential consultation. If you are interested in our infusions and would like to discuss your concerns or those of a loved one, please contact us to make an appointment.

Book your appointment on 02 9389 0245 or email